Campus Assets at the ULI Fall 2022 Meeting

Campus Assets at the ULI Fall 2022 Meeting

It was great sharing vision for adaptive use of assets on Higher Ed campuses with colleagues in Dallas this week. The ability to also address deferred maintenance while creating new educentric space needs to be explored on more campuses. Always welcome the opportunity...
Q&A With Our President

Q&A With Our President

Here at the Learning X Living blog, we want to inform our readers, stakeholders and partners in ways that add value to their professional lives. In addition to discussing current leadership issues, the higher education landscape and student housing, we also want to...


CONCEPT We spend a lot of time in our lives feeling confronted and conflicted about our differences.  In our youth we are hesitant to accept our differences for fear of being left out.  As we get older, we embrace being different, long for it even, label ourselves...


CONCEPT  After 18 months of being told we must live six feet apart from anyone outside of our households, we are emerging from a post pandemic world with a heightened self-awareness but also the awareness of the importance and desire for human connection.  As we...


CONCEPT  Since COVID-19 was declared a global pandemic we were forced to retreat into our homes causing a series of significant shifts in our psyche.  We started living with uncertainty and longing for clarity, but as we disconnected from society, we also started...